St. John Vianney Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
918 West Mill Road
Evansville, IN 47710
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
918 West Mill Road
Evansville, IN 47710
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Church Adoration
Adoration is moving back to the Chapel on August 4th (the Feast Day of St. John Vianney who is the patron of the chapel) at 2:00 AM. We are still looking to fill some open hours and our larger goal is to have two adorers scheduled for each hour. Please consider sharing this opportunity of spending an hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with your friends and family. And as always, continue to pray for the success of the Chapel in having more people spend time with Jesus.
Please click here for open hours.
If you would like to suspend your adoration hour due to health concerns please contact Don Gries (812-453-9498) or Marianne Webster (812-319-8513).
Inclement Weather (New Policy)
If school is cancelled there will be no morning Mass. The parish office will also be closed. And Adoration will be cancelled. If the school is on a delay, there will be no morning Mass and Adoration will not start until 10:00am. If the inclement weather happens on Saturday or Sunday we will look at the conditions and make a decision at that time, we will send out an email and notify the scheduled adorers that will be affected.
Adoration is moving back to the Chapel on August 4th (the Feast Day of St. John Vianney who is the patron of the chapel) at 2:00 AM. We are still looking to fill some open hours and our larger goal is to have two adorers scheduled for each hour. Please consider sharing this opportunity of spending an hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with your friends and family. And as always, continue to pray for the success of the Chapel in having more people spend time with Jesus.
Please click here for open hours.
If you would like to suspend your adoration hour due to health concerns please contact Don Gries (812-453-9498) or Marianne Webster (812-319-8513).
Inclement Weather (New Policy)
If school is cancelled there will be no morning Mass. The parish office will also be closed. And Adoration will be cancelled. If the school is on a delay, there will be no morning Mass and Adoration will not start until 10:00am. If the inclement weather happens on Saturday or Sunday we will look at the conditions and make a decision at that time, we will send out an email and notify the scheduled adorers that will be affected.
Saint John Vianney Adoration Chapel
Jesus speaks to me in Adoration…
You do not have to be clever to please Me; all you have to do is want to love Me.
Just speak to Me as you would to anyone of whom you are very fond.
Are there any people you want to pray for? Say their names to Me, and ask of Me as much as you like. I know all their needs, but I want you to show your love for them and Me by trusting Me to do what I know is best.
Tell Me about the poor, the sick, and the sinners, and if you have lost the friendship or affection of anyone tell Me about that too.
Is there anything you want for your soul? If you like, you can write out a long list of all your needs, and come and read it to Me. Tell Me of the things you feel guilty about I will forgive you if you will accept My forgiveness.
Just tell Me about your pride, your touchiness, your self-centeredness. I still love you in spite of these.
Do not be ashamed; there are many saints in Heaven who had the same faults as you;
they prayed to Me and little by little their faults were corrected.
Do not hesitate to ask Me for blessings for the body and mind; for health, memory, success. I can give everything needed to make souls holier for those who truly want it.
What is it you want today? Tell Me, for I long to do you good. What are your plans?
Tell Me about them. Is there anyone you want to please? What do you want to do for them?
Are you afraid of anything? Have you any tormenting, unreasonable fears? Trust yourself to Me. I am here. I see everything. I will not leave you.
Have you no joys to tell Me about? Why do you not share your happiness with Me?
Tell Me what has happened since yesterday to cheer and comfort you. Whatever it was, however big or small, I prepared it. Show Me your gratitude and thank Me.
Are temptations bearing heavily upon you? Yielding to temptations always disturbs the peace of your soul Ask Me, and I will help you overcome them.
Well, go along now. Get on with your work or play or other interests. Try to be quieter, humbler, kinder; and come back soon and bring Me a more loving heart.
Tomorrow I shall have more blessings for you.
Author unknown
You do not have to be clever to please Me; all you have to do is want to love Me.
Just speak to Me as you would to anyone of whom you are very fond.
Are there any people you want to pray for? Say their names to Me, and ask of Me as much as you like. I know all their needs, but I want you to show your love for them and Me by trusting Me to do what I know is best.
Tell Me about the poor, the sick, and the sinners, and if you have lost the friendship or affection of anyone tell Me about that too.
Is there anything you want for your soul? If you like, you can write out a long list of all your needs, and come and read it to Me. Tell Me of the things you feel guilty about I will forgive you if you will accept My forgiveness.
Just tell Me about your pride, your touchiness, your self-centeredness. I still love you in spite of these.
Do not be ashamed; there are many saints in Heaven who had the same faults as you;
they prayed to Me and little by little their faults were corrected.
Do not hesitate to ask Me for blessings for the body and mind; for health, memory, success. I can give everything needed to make souls holier for those who truly want it.
What is it you want today? Tell Me, for I long to do you good. What are your plans?
Tell Me about them. Is there anyone you want to please? What do you want to do for them?
Are you afraid of anything? Have you any tormenting, unreasonable fears? Trust yourself to Me. I am here. I see everything. I will not leave you.
Have you no joys to tell Me about? Why do you not share your happiness with Me?
Tell Me what has happened since yesterday to cheer and comfort you. Whatever it was, however big or small, I prepared it. Show Me your gratitude and thank Me.
Are temptations bearing heavily upon you? Yielding to temptations always disturbs the peace of your soul Ask Me, and I will help you overcome them.
Well, go along now. Get on with your work or play or other interests. Try to be quieter, humbler, kinder; and come back soon and bring Me a more loving heart.
Tomorrow I shall have more blessings for you.
Author unknown