Welcome to Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
Weekday Mass Times
(Masses will continue to be live streamed here)
Tuesday 8:00 am
Wednesday 6:30 pm
Thursday 8:00 am
Friday 7:45 am (School Mass)
Weekend Mass times
(Mass will continue to be live streamed here)
Saturday - 5:00 pm
Sunday - 9:00 am
(Masses will continue to be live streamed here)
Tuesday 8:00 am
Wednesday 6:30 pm
Thursday 8:00 am
Friday 7:45 am (School Mass)
Weekend Mass times
(Mass will continue to be live streamed here)
Saturday - 5:00 pm
Sunday - 9:00 am
Click here for the
Wednesdays 5:45 - 6:15 pm Saturdays: 4:00pm - 4:40pm (Click here for more information on the Sacrament of Reconciliation) Rosary 6:05pm Wednesday Evening before 6:30pm Mass Parish Office Hours Daily 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed for Lunch: 11:30 am -12:30 pm Our Mission Statement
Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish is a faith community called together by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel, to live with justice and love, and to share generously of ourselves. |
Summer Event Winning Half Pot Ticket
Thanks to all of those who purchased half pot tickets for our August 24 Summer Event.
We have a winner!
We have a winner!
2024 South Deanery Summer Mass Schedule
Links to Events & Information
Click on boxes for details
A Note From Fr. Jason Gries,
This coming week, I will be on retreat just south of Owensboro in Whitesville, KY. The Passionist Nuns of St. Joseph Monastery, are a cloistered, contemplative, religious order. This means that their main mission is prayer. Specifically, their prayer is uniting themselves with Mary at the foot of the Cross to bring comfort to the suffering Christ by their love of the Sisters in community and Divine Worship. As a cloistered, contemplative order, they do not go out into the world, but serve the Lord in community together. St. Paul of the Cross, an 18th century mystic, founded the Passionist Congregation for men and shortly thereafter in 1771 founded the Passionist Nuns in Italy. It wasn't until 1910 that five nuns left Italy to come to the United States. The Passionist Community was founded in Owensboro, KY in 1946 and the Sisters relocated to Whitesville, KY in 1995. Mother John Mary Reed, CP is the superior of the Passionists there. Growing up in Elberfeld, IN, her parents Bill & Berny are members here at Holy Redeemer for the last number of years. One of her brothers, Fr. Jeff Reed, is pastor at Holy Family parish in Jasper. Sr. Mary Andrea Niehaus, CP with the Passionists grew up in Newburgh, IN and is a second cousin of mine. Her grandmother Mary Steckler and my grandfather Bill Gries were two of twelve siblings. The Passionist Nuns of St. Joseph currently have 14 members of their community of prayer.
If you’d like to check out more information about these spiritually beautiful women, their retreat house, renovation projects & more, please find them at www.passionistnuns.org If you have an opportunity to visit them for prayer or just to enjoy their grounds, it's well worth the travel.
Please pray for me on retreat as I will be praying for you. Also, please pray for this group of spiritually beautiful women seeking God's will. Pray for all who give their lives in visible and invisible ways to our Lord as religious. We are blessed to have them all continuing to support, pray for, build up and guide our Church in the world.
God Bless,
Fr. Jason Gries
If you’d like to check out more information about these spiritually beautiful women, their retreat house, renovation projects & more, please find them at www.passionistnuns.org If you have an opportunity to visit them for prayer or just to enjoy their grounds, it's well worth the travel.
Please pray for me on retreat as I will be praying for you. Also, please pray for this group of spiritually beautiful women seeking God's will. Pray for all who give their lives in visible and invisible ways to our Lord as religious. We are blessed to have them all continuing to support, pray for, build up and guide our Church in the world.
God Bless,
Fr. Jason Gries
Report and Inform
Every allegation of child abuse must be reported to Child Protection Services, an agency of Indiana state government.
Toll-free (800) 800-5556
In the event of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor (a person under 18) by diocesan personnel, report the allegation to authorities, and inform the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the diocese. Toll-free (866) 200-3004, Local (812) 490-9565. Click here to be directed to the Catholic Diocese website.
Every allegation of child abuse must be reported to Child Protection Services, an agency of Indiana state government.
Toll-free (800) 800-5556
In the event of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor (a person under 18) by diocesan personnel, report the allegation to authorities, and inform the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the diocese. Toll-free (866) 200-3004, Local (812) 490-9565. Click here to be directed to the Catholic Diocese website.