COUNCIL #12541
K of C Social Night - August 25th
Hello Brother Knights,
Please join us on Wednesday August 25, 2021 for Rosary at 6:05 pm, Mass at 6:30 pm, and Great Meal immediately after Mass at the K of C Barn behind the Hall – planned menu:
Grilled Chicken
Many side dishes – feel free to bring any side dish you want
Desert – or, please bring a desert
Soft Drinks, Water and Adult Beverages
Please wear your K of C 12541 shirts to show our brotherhood and allegiance to the Parish, let's Pack the Church!
NOTE: If you want to join us, but need a ride or assistance, please contact John Wible at 812.746.1184, we will make arrangements to get you here.
Vivat Jesus!!
David Wichman – Grand Knight
John Wible - Deputy Grand Knight
Hello Brother Knights,
Please join us on Wednesday August 25, 2021 for Rosary at 6:05 pm, Mass at 6:30 pm, and Great Meal immediately after Mass at the K of C Barn behind the Hall – planned menu:
Grilled Chicken
Many side dishes – feel free to bring any side dish you want
Desert – or, please bring a desert
Soft Drinks, Water and Adult Beverages
Please wear your K of C 12541 shirts to show our brotherhood and allegiance to the Parish, let's Pack the Church!
NOTE: If you want to join us, but need a ride or assistance, please contact John Wible at 812.746.1184, we will make arrangements to get you here.
Vivat Jesus!!
David Wichman – Grand Knight
John Wible - Deputy Grand Knight