Holy Redeemer NEWS
- This Sunday (July 20th) after the 10:30 AM Mass, we need your help! Please bring a metal rake and help spread mulch under the swings in the play ground. If we have 20 people there....we can get it done fast! Thank YOU!!!
- DRE Doug Rasler will be out of the office most of the month of July. Any emergencies, please call the Parish Office.
- Parish Picnic Committee Meeting. Would you be interested in planning an a day for families - to have fun - to be affordable - to be a community - and to pray together!? Come and help us plan all the excitement! The Parish Picnic is scheduled for September 17th. It will be planned along with Mass on the Grass.
Come. You are welcome....and needed. (Tuesday) July 22nd, at 5:30pm. 1st Parish Picnic core committee meeting. - The School is hosting their annual BACK TO SCHOOL BASH. Students in both public and private school are welcome! It will be held outside and the cafeteria, Sunday, August 3rd from 4:00 - 6:00 PM. There will also be the Uniform Swap, Open House, and School Kits will be available. Dinner is at 4:45pm. Holy Redeemer Students are welcome to bring their school supplies and place them in their classroom desks!
"Religious freedom is not simply freedom of thought or private worship. It is the freedom to live according to ethical principles, both privately and publicly, consequent to the truth one has found."
– Pope Francis
Volunteer Opportunities
- Ushers. We need Ushers to help during our weekend Masses. Please contact the parish office to be placed on the list or if you have any questions about the responsibilities of an Usher.
- Scout Master. We have had a great Boy Scout Master for the past 14 years. Thank You Scout Master Tom Keith! Recently he has announced that he is ready to move on, and is looking for a good man to step forward and lead the Scouts (Troup 327) from Holy Redeemer. If this is something that God has been tugging at your heart about...maybe it's time to come forward. It's easy, just call the parish office and contact Rose Sartore or Brandi Thomason and we will start the ball rolling.