Holy Redeemer
Operating Financial Update & Stewardship of Treasure Renewal:
Over the weekend of December 9 & 10, Fr. Jason gave an update on the debt reduction and operating financials. He also invited everyone to prayerfully consider increasing their weekly giving through a stewardship of treasure renewal pledge card. Please take a moment to listen to Fr. Jason's explanation and follow along with the corresponding pictures below. Clicking on the image will enlarge it.
(Scroll down in the page to find the Stewardship of Treasure Pledge Card)
(Scroll down in the page to find the Stewardship of Treasure Pledge Card)
Download the forms handed out at the end of Mass:
If you would rather download and print this information, please click on the pictures below to download.
If you would rather download and print this information, please click on the pictures below to download.
Stewardship of Treasure Renewal:
Having heard Fr. Jason's End of the Fiscal Year Summary and Stewardship of Treasure Renewal appeal, please prayerfully consider what God is asking you to sacrifice, to make holy, to increase your weekly giving. You can print a copy of the pledge card above by clicking here. After adding your current weekly giving amount, additional weekly giving amount and new weekly giving amount, please print your family name and sign the card. You can drop it by the parish office, mail it or simply drop it in the weekly collection. There are also cards available in the Narthex and Parish Office.
For those who are currently giving via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through the parish, I ask that you contact Debbie Oliver in order to officially change your current giving. You can do so by filling out a new EFT form here and FAXing, emailing ([email protected]), mailing to the office, or returning it via the weekly collection. You can also send her an email with your committed increase and new amount.
We are in this together. Pray for our parish and for guidance. ~Fr. Jason Gries