Committee/Commission of the Week:
Still searching for the perfect gift? Give the "gift" of yourself to Holy Redeemer. There are multiple volunteer positions available within the parish that would appreciate your talents. Each week we are featuring a commission or committee at Holy Redeemer. Learn about the Who? What? When? and Why? of each Commission.
Community Involvement Committee
- Currently the committee has 3 members: Dave Groeninger, Kathy Osborne, and Rosie Rexing.
- They are IN NEED for more members.
- This committee has not limit to how many members it can have. Ultimately the more members they have.... the more they are able to serve the community.
- This committee is committed to the promotion of social justice for our community crossing inter-faith disciplines and advocating for those who often do not have adequate representation in our society.
- Some (but not all) of they things they run here at Holy Redeemer include; Blood Drive, Christmas shut-in visits, Coat Drive, and CAJE organization.
- They meet the first Thursday of every month or as needed for plan and organize their events.
Summer Fest Committee
- Typically we need 10-12 dedicated members to have this committee run smoothly.
- Currently the members for Summer Fest 2015 are Mike and Linda Ketzner, Mike Stepto (KofC rep), Cheryl Schaus (Dinners), Rachel Ketzner, Kim Dillman, Mary and Brad Scheller, Jeff and Jamie Arvin, Tony Becker, Fr. Paul, and Don Schnieder.
- They are still looking for a dedicated volunteer to help with the Basket Auction.
- This committee is responsible all things Summer Fest. From the food, to the advertising, licensing, decorating, electricity, gathering volunteers, and organizing all the volunteer needs. Running the largest parish fundraiser isn't an easy task.... but when we work together, many hands make for lighter loads.
- The success of the Summer Fest also affects the Parish Picnic in the Fall for our Families. A small percentage of the profits from this event help fund the Parish Picnic.
- This committee meets bi-weekly from the months of March - June.
- They also communicate via e-mail between meetings.
Spiritual Life & Worship Commission
- We currently have 4 Commission Members (plus 2 staff members). Ideally, this commission would run best with 8 commission members. They also have many behind the scenes working volunteers.
- If you are interested in becoming a part of the commission, please contact Brad Scheller at 480-1217
- The Spiritual Life and Worship Commission are the 'Keepers' of our Worship Space. In both the physical space of the Church building and the metaphorical worship space with in our souls, this commission oversees it all.
- Explore new Missions and Retreats for Holy Redeemer
- The help with prepare and plan receptions needed for Rel. Ed, Adult formation, and Parish Events.
- They are the keepers of the Sacred Vessels
- They help the Pastor plan Liturgies.
- Oversee the Prayer Chain
- Oversee Neighbor to Neighbor Program
- Oversee Catholics Returning Home Program
- Oversee all Liturgy, Music and Prayers
- The decorate our worship space according to the Church Calendar
- This commission meets monthly. They meet every second Thursday of the month, from 5:30-7:00pm.
- This commission accepts NEW Commission Members at anytime during the year.