Come and See & Give Thanks
Begins March 16th, 2018 In the Church Sign up for an hour ONLINE:
Come and See & Give Thanks
Brothers and Sisters, the invitation of Philip to Nathaniel, “Come and See” in John’s Gospel brought Nathaniel face-to-face with Jesus. This invitation is given to us as well to come face-to-face with Our Lord in adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We have particular reason to Come and See at this time and to do so in Thanksgiving because we have entirely paid off our parish debt! We pondered what could top our last celebration complete with sparkling grape juice and fireworks. Certainly to Come, See and Give Thanks to Jesus in the Eucharist is the greatest way we can celebrate. It is only right that we should give Him the credit due in thanksgiving. We will Come, See & Give Thanks in a particular way through the 40 Hours Devotion March 16th-18th. This devotion comes to us by way of St. Philip Neri in Rome in 1548. It is a 40 hour-period of Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Solemn Exposition. The number 40 is important in our faith as in the 40 days of the flood, 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert, and 40 hours from Christ’s death to His resurrection. Individuals come to the church to spend any amount of time with Our Lord in prayer during these 40 hours. As with any time of adoration, individuals can take time to pray the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, read Sacred Scripture or spiritual reading. Most simply and beautifully though one can humbly sit in silence in the presence of Jesus, much like one might quietly sit in the presence of a spouse, family member or a good friend. Being present and listening to our Lord in the silence is a great blessing that Eucharistic adoration affords. Whether you are someone who regularly takes part in our adoration chapel or have never been before, we invite you to come to the church at any time during the scheduled devotion to spend some time with Jesus. You are welcome to strengthen your commitment by signing up in the narthex of church. Come, See and Give Thanks for the blessing of the elimination of our debt, but also for any of the beautiful intentions listed on the reverse of this flier. Our normally-scheduled adorers will be in the church rather than in the chapel during the devotion. Also, over the evening and night hours only the back parking lot entrance of the church will be open and there will be a male present for any safety concerns. Please do come to church to join us for the greatest way we can celebrate in Thanksgiving to God for our debt being eliminated and for all of our many blessings. Come and See what adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is all about during these 40 Hours of Thanksgiving. |
The Schedule & Prayer Intentions
Friday, March 16, 2018
6:00 PM Opening Mass 6:30 PM Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM Recitation of the Holy Rosary 8:00 PM In Thanksgiving for the Mortgage Being Paid Off and being completely Debt Free 9:00 PM In Thanksgiving for the created beauty that surrounds us 10:00 PM In Thanksgiving for the season of Lent 11:00 PM In Thanksgiving for Holy Redeemer and for its spiritual renewal Saturday, March 17, 2018 12:00 AM In Thanksgiving for Holy Redeemer and continued renewal of our parish 1:00 AM In Thanksgiving for our loved ones who have died and for all the souls in Purgatory 2:00 AM In Thanksgiving for and the continued renewal of the sacrament of Marriage 3:00 AM In Thanksgiving for faith and for all those who do not believe 4:00 AM In Thanksgiving for our freedom and for all those imprisoned 5:00 AM In Thanksgiving for Jesus' yoke and for all those who struggle with addiction 6:00 AM In Thanksgiving for St. Joseph - foster father to Jesus and for all men and Fathers 7:00 AM In Thanksgiving for Our Lady and for all women and Mothers 7:45 AM Reposition before Mass 8:00 AM Mass 9:00 AM In Thanksgiving for Life and for an end to abortion and the culture of death 10:00 AM In Thanksgiving for the call to love, honor, and serve you and for all RCIA candidates 11:00 AM In Thanksgiving for healthy minds, bodies, and spirits and for all those who are ill 12:00 PM Recitation of the Holy Rosary 1:00 PM In Thanksgiving for all priests and for vocations to the priesthood 2:00 PM In Thanksgiving for all deacons and for vocations to the diaconate |
Saturday, March 17, 2018 (cont'd.)
3:00 PM Recitation of Divine Mercy Chaplet 4:00 PM Reconciliation Available 4:45 PM Reposition before Mass 5:00 PM Mass 6:00 PM In Thanksgiving for our youth groups, their leaders and for our youth and young adults 7:00 PM In Thanksgiving for our parish programs and for all parish volunteers 8:00 PM In Thanksgiving for all our many blessings and for the poor and those who help them 9:00 PM In Thanksgiving for Pope Francis and for his intentions 10:00 PM In Thanksgiving for our parish community and for the elderly, homebound, and the lonely 11:00 PM In Thanksgiving for your plan of hope and future for all of us and for those who struggle with infertility Sunday, March 18, 2018 12:00 AM In Thanksgiving for our military and for their protection 1:00 AM In Thanksgiving for Priests and Deacons and for all those called to serve God 2:00 AM In Thanksgiving for this journey of life and for all seminarians 3:00 AM Litany of the Sacred Heart 4:00 AM In Thanksgiving for our minds and for all those with mental health issues 5:00 AM In Thanksgiving for all religious sisters and brothers and for those called to religious life 6:00 AM In Thanksgiving for our bodies and for all those who are disabled or infirm 7:00 AM In Thanksgiving for Bishop Siegel and for his intentions 8:00 AM In Thanksgiving for Catholic Education and for all children in Religious Education 8:45 AM before Mass 9:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Benediction Service |